We are off to a wonderful start to the new year and are thrilled to welcome several new students to our Husky Community.  Excellence and Diversity in Learning, Community, and Wellness define our values and having students join from Afghanistan, India, and Nigeria, Korea as well as Nova Scotia, continue to enrich our community of Huskies.

This week, we created two new homerooms due to our continued growth.  Miss Crandall is the lead teacher and Advisor for the new grade 6 class and Mr. Baker is the lead teacher and Advisor for the new grade 7 class. 

The Huskies are selecting their top 3 choices for the next round of Impact Time that will begin next Friday.  The Advisory groups have been reviewing and explaining the options together this week and answering the survey.  The Huskies will be excited to find out what their new Impact Time is next week. #Realize Your Impact

The boys’ basketball coaches are having an open gym for all interested players beginning today after school and continuing Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of this month.  Everyone is welcome to join.  Tryouts will begin in February.

We are thrilled to have a presentation for all Huskies tomorrow afternoon that is sponsored by the Home and School.  Mark Black is a motivational speaker who will share his story through his presentation, Do Tough Stuff.  This will be a wonderful message for the Huskies as we begin the New Year.

The RCMP personal safety presentations have been rescheduled to next Tuesday morning.

Un gros merci à Madame Vienneau et the Husky Band and Choir for their amazing concert that took place prior to the holiday.  Their bilingual evening displayed the talent of the Huskies and their dedication to excellence.

Madame Vienneau is hard at work preparing for the musical, Annie, and the Huskies are enthusiastically joining this group. Nous espérons de vous voir à notre soirée Annie l’lorsque la date est annoncé!

Thank you to the Home and School as they begin to prepare for the Staff Appreciation Week in February.  A link to donate to the Home and School for this week is now on School Cash online.

Here are a few Husky Highlights:

Miss Paige Acker and the numeracy team have been encouraging the Huskies to participate in a variety of Math contests.  The Huskies who are participating have been enjoying the challenge and have been very engaged in preparing for the contests.  Felicitations on the results!

French presentations for the Huskies prior to the holidays included a French magician, Rene Boudreau, and a musical performance by Ventus Machins & Monette Gould.  The Huskies enjoyed and appreciated the exposure to these cultural presentations.

This month, four of our teachers are receiving training to be able to administer Oral French Proficiency Interviews. This will build our capacity to assess and monitor progress in French.

The following link brings you to our Maplehurst You Tube Channel where we continue to highlight engagement in French:

We are excited to announce that $10 000.00 has been devoted to enhancing the French section of our library learning commons.  The Huskies literally devour the collection of books, and we are thrilled to add an additional section devoted to French novels.

Here are a few reminders:

Please remind your Huskies to dress for the cold weather.  The Wellness Team will be taking classes outside for outdoor winter activities on a regular basis and Huskies must be prepared to be outdoors.  We will monitor windchill and will never put Huskies at risk.

The water fountains are open for use again.  We continue to encourage the use of water bottles but wanted you to know that students are permitted to drink from the fountains again.

There is a recycling receptacle in the staff parking lot that our community is welcome to use. 



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