Our Halloween Dance takes place tonight from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. 

Costumes are encouraged.

Faces must be visible so we can recognize the Huskies.

Please note the following to help the evening go well for all:

  • doors will open at 5:50 for entry with music starting at 6:00 
    • grade 6 Huskies are to be dropped off and picked up in the bus loop entrance off Teaberry and enter through the bus loop door
    • grade 7 and 8 Huskies are to be dropped off in the regular drop off zone and enter through the main door
  • the cost is $5.00 (small bills are appreciated!)
  • there will be a canteen with snacks for cash purchase 
  • the dance ends promptly at 8:00 pm and thank you for being here at that time to pick up your Husky
  • Huskies are not permitted to leave the school during the dance
  • if someone needs to leave, they will call for pick up at the office

Thank you for your support.  The Huskies are very excited for the dance and we know it will be a fun event for all.



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