It is hard to believe we are already at the midpoint of February! 

The Husky Staff would like to send a huge thank you to the Home and School volunteers for preparing our staff room for a week full of treats in celebration of staff appreciation week.  We feel the appreciation and thank you to everyone who donated to make this celebration possible. 

La saison de ballon panier a commencé.  Nous avons trois équipes et nous leur souhaitons de la bonne chance cette semaine pour leur première partie.  The basketball season has begun.  We have three teams, and we wish them luck this week as they play their first game.

Here are a few updates for this week:


  • It is Valentine’s Day tomorrow and the grade 6 Huskies will enjoy a sock hop in the afternoon led by our Student Council.  We are accepting a donation of $2.00 for the sock hop.


  • Black Lives Matter Art Exhibit at BMHS for all Grade 8 Huskies.  Please make sure the permission slips are signed and returned to the Advisory teacher by tomorrow.                                                  


  • The Valentine’s Day dance for the grade 7 and 8 Huskies will take place from 6:00 – 7:30. 

The cost of the dance is $5.00 and there will be a canteen.

Please use the main entrance to enter and exit the dance.  Please note the earlier pick-up time of 7:30.


  • Impact Time will be in the afternoon.

Language Learning Information in MyBlueprint

All Huskies have an account to log in and access their myBlueprint portfolio which contains evidence of learning in a variety of areas.  Please ask your child to log in to share their portfolio with you.  Evidence of learning will continue to be added over the next 5 months. This portfolio will continue to be used by students until the end of grade 12 and is becoming an important aspect of High School.  Click here to access the instructions to log in from home.

Coffee House Link

Lastly, we hosted an amazing Coffee House last Thursday evening.  This evening was hosted in both official languages and the hosts were incredible.  Félicitations to Naomi and Madison who did an amazing job hosting the evening.  Please click on this link and follow our YouTube Channel to watch the show!



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