Maplehurst Middle School

GradesLanguage(s)No. of Students
French Immersion
School Hours:

5-8: 08:25 - 14:40

Lunch Break:

5-8: -


320 Maplehurst Drive

Moncton, New Brunswick

E1G 0E5


Business: 869-6601

Facsimile: 869-6585


Ouellette, Bryan


Merhebi, Marc

School District:

Anglophone East School District


Northrop Frye Boundary

North Boundary: Route 2

West Boundary: Route 2 until Corner of Route 128. Zack Rd., Charles Lutes and all streets leading off

South Boundary: Route 128, Berry Mills to Wheeler, Westbrook Circle

East Boundary: Corner of Maplehurst and Mountain rd, Maplehurst (Only North side of Maplehurst), Corner of Twin Oaks and Maplehurst, Only West side of Twin Oaks to End of road just after Corner of Rennick, All roads below to South Boundary but Excluding: Forest Grove, Mayfield, Brockton, Coriander, Holland above Coriander, Coriander above Corner of Clarendon (Walking Trail is cut off), Trelis, Aspenrose, Salem, Rennick, North Side of Hildegard to Corner of Mountain.

Evergreen Park Boundary

North Boundary: Mountain rd, Corner of Mountain and Maplehurst (Only South side of Maplehurst is Evergreen)

West Boundary: Corner of Maplehurst and Twin Oaks down to the end of Twin Oaks.

South Boundary: Forest Grove, Mayfield, Coriander (#71 and 52 is the cutoff, by the walking trail), Holland (Cutoff is corner of Coriander), Salem, and the corner of Rennick and Hildegard, Excluding Sutton (Part of Northrop Frye)

East Boundary: Corner of Mountain and Hildegard down to Rennick and Hildegard. (Only North side of Hildegard is in Evergreen).

Areas Northwest of Mtn. Rd. between Mt. Pleasant Street to Wheeler and Gorge including streets off Gorge Rd. to the Trans Canada Highway.​