During the next two weeks, Maplehurst Middle School will be participating in the annual provincial student survey. This survey is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Departments of Health, and the New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC).
Students in grades 4-12,will be asked questions about their school experience and wellness such as eating, physical activity, sleep, bullying, and substance use. The survey will be conducted online.
By taking the time to complete this survey, students can contribute to their school’s improvement plans and student learning and wellness activities. The results of this survey will be available from the school administrator next Spring.
If you would like more information on this survey, please call the New Brunswick Health Council at 1-877-225-2521 or visit their website at www.nbhc.ca.
The survey is anonymous and voluntary. No names are associated with the surveys, instead randomly selected codes are provided to students, and all results are grouped together.
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