It has been a great week at Maplehurst with the Huskies. 

Unfortunately, not all students were able to have their picture taken on Tuesday and we are waiting for a new date to complete our photos.  As soon as we have a date we will send it home.

We had over 400 students attend the dance last night and they had a wonderful time dancing and playing in the gym.  Thank you to the staff who helped supervise last night.

Here are a few reminders:

  • We will be having a Lockdown Drill practice on Monday at 11:00 am.
    • A separate message concerning the drill and our safety process will follow.
  • Next week is Truth and Reconciliation Week and we will recognize this year’s theme of Remembering the Childreneach day.
  • We encourage students and staff to wear an Orange Shirt on Thursday, September 29 as we will not be together on Friday.
  • School will be closed on Friday, September 30th in recognition of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
  • Meet the Teacher will take place next Thursday evening from 6:00 – 7:30.
  • PSSC elections will take place in the cafeteria following Meet the Teacher.
  • Husky Swag will be on sale at our Husky Homecoming event on October 13 and our School Store will open online following that night.  The Huskies will be able to try on a variety of sizes and printing will be available onsite that evening.

Language Learning Opportunity

  • All Huskies will be creating a Portfolio in the My Blueprint application.  Evidence of learning and capabilities in French Language Acquisition will be housed in their individual portfolios.  In time, students will be able to access their portfolio from home and share their learning evidence with you as they progress.
  • Our library contains a rich collection of French reading materials and students have access to the Library often.
  • Classroom libraries are also being increased to meet the varied levels of reading of the Huskies.
  • Grade 6 students have a daily block of time called, What I Need or WIN Block.  Students have been assessed in Languages (both French and English), and Numeracy over the last week.  Teachers will use the data they are collecting to plan for learning interventions with the grade 6 Huskies.
  • Huskies continue to be exposed to additional opportunities in French. We are looking forward to mercredi musicale en octobre.
  • Teachers are observing more French language throughout the building as many students are working hard to speak French in conversations outside the classroom environment.  Immersion students, both early and late entry point, are progressing in meeting the expectation of speaking French when communicating in class at all times.

Nous avons eu beaucoup de pluie cette semaine, alors, we will continue to adjust our noon hour routines based on the weather.  Students have been given the option to be inside or outdoors if it is a light rain and many are choosing to go out and get some fresh air at noon.  Thank you for ensuring students dress for the weather.



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