This message contains important information to ensure the safety of everyone at Maplehurst.

Lock Down Practice

There will be a Lock Down Practice drill Monday, September 26 , at Maplehurst at 11:00 am. This will be our first practice drill this school year.  

The Huskies will be aware we are having a drill and they will also know the exact time as it will be announced prior to the drill.

The RCMP will be at the school to support the drill.

Safety is always a priority at Maplehurst and we appreciate everyone’s cooperation during safety drills.

The main door and phones cannot be answered throughout the drill.   We will debrief with the students after the Lockdown is lifted.

Pick up and Drop off Zone

The teachers on duty have raised safety concerns in the drop off and pick up zone:

  • Some students are exiting vehicles on the driver’s side
  • Some students are walking between vehicles to get to their parent’s car
  • The speed limit is not always respected when exiting the zone
  • Some parents are using the staff parking lot and students are then running to their car
  • Some cars are passing on the way into the zone to skip the lineup which is creating three lanes of traffic

The RCMP have been asked to have a presence in the zone to support the safety of your children.

Thank you in advance for adhering to the safety expectations when picking up or dropping off your child.  The safety of all Huskies is our priority.

Bussing at the end of the day

We have a large number of students waiting for busses at the end of the school day.  Busses arrive between 2:30 and 3:00.  

We will be asking students to sit in the cafeteria moving forward and busses will be called upon arrival.  

This will help ensure students do not miss their bus as well as ensure the safety of all. 

Thank you for supporting our safety processes.  

The Huskies are a community of over 800 students and staff working together in our school daily and it is important that everyone respects and follows the safety expectations.



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